The Parent Trap: Inadvertently Reinforcing Shame

STF AdminChildren, Community, Freedom, Healthy Sexuality, Relationships

By Marilyn Evans: I’ve been thinking a lot about shame lately. And how it’s such a BIG obstacle for kids striving to let go of the compulsive habit to use porn. Shame floods the mind with negative thoughts and self-doubt. —”I’m no-good, I’m unlovable, I’m worthless, I’m stupid…” the list goes on. To meet our young people in their crisis, … Read More

Invisible Chains

Josh GilmanAwareness, Freedom, Healthy Sexuality, Men, Uncategorized

By Guest Author I became active in discussing the harms of pornography after completing my Masters thesis on drug use. It struck me when over and over again in focus groups and interviews people, often men, we would talk about sex addiction. As a young man at the time, I laughed this off. Aren’t all young men addicted to sex, … Read More

An open letter to the porn industry

STF AdminAwareness, Culture, Freedom, Sexual Revolution, Women

This is a letter we received from a young professional woman in her mid 20’s.   Dear Porn Industry, You have cheated this little girl -of her innocence at the age of 12;  You have cheated this teenage girl of -her identity; You have cheated this young woman of her true beauty; You have planted lies; and false expectations; You … Read More

I would watch porn again if it actually worked

STF AdminFreedom, Healthy Sexuality

Can I be honest with you? If every time I saw pornography I felt like the very first time I saw it, I would watch porn again. Yes, you read that correctly. When I think back to being 14 years old, the first time I truly saw hardcore pornography, I can still remember those first moments of stumbling across it. … Read More

7 Great Gifts To Fight Porn

Josh GilmanChildren, Community, Culture, Freedom

By Strength to Fight Staff: This Christmas, like so many Christmas’ past, many many many gifts will be exchanged. Some will be lovely and thoughtful, others will be gaudy and poorly thought out. Some sadly will be problematic: iPads given to kids unprepared for the internet; smartphones given to teens with no thought to how it might affect them. There … Read More

Ever wondered what the Porn Industry’s most profitable phrase is?

STF AdminAwareness, Culture

By: Brad Pullan “It’s not my place to judge what people do in their personal life.” It’s not surprising that people say this.   Living in Canada, and especially spending four years at university, I’ve discovered that a cherished value is to avoid offending someone, and in particular their lifestyle choices, as long as it seems not to be hurting … Read More

How to be a Bad Accountability Partner in 5 Easy Steps

STF AdminCommunity, Freedom

I’ve spent the last decade walking with a variety of guys seeking to live their lives free from pornography and all of its effects. Earlier this year we posted some of the best ways to build healthy accountability groups; but being a good accountability partner is something that doesn’t always come easily. Especially when you have been doing it for … Read More

Dear National Post and Other Publications – Please Stop Publishing Garbage Articles About Porn

STF AdminAwareness, Culture, News

By Josh Gilman: Dear National Post. I appreciate your desire to print a diversity of opinions. But as a father of four, a husband, and….. actually no, caveats don’t matter, I don’t need additional qualifications. As a human. Who respects others humans. I am perplexed as to why you have for the third time, printed a mind-numbingly ignorant article on … Read More

“My Boyfriend Used to Watch Porn, But Then He Stopped” #Huh?

STF AdminFreedom, Relationships

Something that we unfortunately hear too often, mostly from younger girls, is that their boyfriends or husbands used to watch porn, but now they don’t. While we sincerely hope that this is indeed the case. It is often a concerning statement because porn isn’t like bell bottom pants or glitter. You don’t just grow out of it. Claiming freedom without … Read More