By Strength to Fight Staff:
This Christmas, like so many Christmas’ past, many many many gifts will be exchanged. Some will be lovely and thoughtful, others will be gaudy and poorly thought out. Some sadly will be problematic: iPads given to kids unprepared for the internet; smartphones given to teens with no thought to how it might affect them. There are all sorts of items given with very little care.
What if you gave the opposite? You can gift items that would help make your family safer, your kids wiser, and yourself smarter about this whole internet thing. Here are some really great resources we love and think could actually make good gifts.
*Note: These links are through various affiliate programs. If you purchase any of these items though our links, we WILL receive a small donation back. We fully believe and stand by each of these products, regardless of whether or not there was any benefit to us from you buying them.
Good Pictures Bad Pictures Jr.
This is our number one new favourite resource released within the past year. It is an incredible book written to read to children 3-6 years old. With an interactive element that kids love, and special hidden notes to parents to help them continue the conversation with their kids, this is such a wonderful resource.
Purchase here.
Good Pictures Bad Picture (“senior”).
This is the original book which was written for ages 7-11. It tells the story of a young boy discussing pornography & addiction with his mother. You can read our full review here, or just follow this link to get this book. It is the closest thing to a perfect resource we’ve ever discovered.
Purchase here.
The Porn Myth
If you have a friend or family member that likes getting into interesting conversations, this is the book they need. If there was ever a book that could be about something like pornography and be an enjoyable read, The Porn Myth, written by the winsome Matt Fradd, is a fascinating treasure trove which equips the reader to respond to nearly all pro-porn arguments with interesting, scientific, and fact-based arguments.
Purchase here.
Beggar’s Daughter
Here is note from our Executive Director Josh about this book: “I picked this up for a friend, having no intention of reading it myself. I really wasn’t in the mood to read another book about porn addiction. Two hours later, I had read it cover to cover.” This isn’t just a book that young women should read; Jessica Harris tells a powerful story of identity and grace that is a great read for anyone.
You can read our full review of it here and purchase here.
Kids WiFi
This is a bit of a bigger buy, and, like most of our suggestions, make sure the person you’re giving it to actually wants it. But, we also suggest that any family out there should consider buying it for themselves. You should probably read out more in-depth review, or watch our demo, but here are the basics: give your home the gift of knowing anyone in your home, house guest, friend or foe, will be on your filtered internet. If they want to use your WiFi, whether a resident in your home or not, they are playing by your rules. You can’t put a price on peace of mind, except in this case where the price is $130.
Purchase here.
#LovePeopleHatePorn T-Shirt
Have a friend who hates porn, but loves people? Help the rep the movement of truth buying getting them this fantastic tee. (The physical t-shirt comes in a heather grey and looks more awesome than this graphic). Novelty Tees these days are all the rage, but kinda expensive, this is just $20 and all proceeds go to help fight pornography! Everybody wins! Except for pornography, it loses. Which we are ok with.
Purchase here.
A Stocking Stuffer Of Freedom
Ok, don’t give this to just anybody, because they may take it the wrong way. But if you’re looking for a simple way to help people understand the basic first steps to freedom from pornography or how to help a friend, then you can’t go wrong with this 35 minute read.
Purchase here.