Strength To Fight is a group of Canadians passionate about fighting for a porn-free Canada.
Through our presentations, website and resources we’re working to equip Canadians to live porn-free lives and build porn-free communities.
In early 2014, the University of Ottawa was rocked by scandal as the entire university hockey team was suspended for alleged sexual assault. For the next few weeks, the discussion on campus and in the city was on one thing: What was “rape culture” – was it a real phenomenon, and, if so, how could we stop it?
Three young men who had experience speaking up about pornography and been researching the idea of “rape culture,” decided to put on a presentation. In a public area of the university they did a three-part presentation: “How Porn Fuels Rape,” “How Porn Fuels Human Trafficking,” and “How To Be Free.”
The response was overwhelming. The crowd was large. People who had boasted on Facebook that they would attend the presentation in order to embarrass the presenters with difficult questions, instead sat silently throughout, and emailed later on to say they had walked away determined to fight their porn addiction. Students of different faiths wrote in to say how impacted they were at the conviction of the presenters that freedom from pornography was possible.
And then without asking, invitations to speak started pouring in. Between everyone involved, the team was able to give around 20 talks throughout the year. But that wasn’t even one third of the 65 invitations that came in. And as more stories of “rape culture” incidents came to light across the country, as parents and teachers pleaded for someone to teach them how to deal with what their kids were seeing, and as story after broken story came in about people whose lives had been damaged by pornography, a decision was made. This would never work as a side project. This could not be accomplished by trying to fight the porn plague part time. This had to be taken on full time. Some of of us would have to quit our jobs and dedicate our lives to speaking up and speaking out. And less than one year after that first presentation, Strength To Fight was born.
Since then we have
- Spoken in person to over 10,000 Canadians
- Given more than 250 Presentations in Schools, Churches, & Special Events
- And reached over 750,000+ Online.