By Josh Gilman
“How can I talk to my kids about the dangers of Pornography before they’re old enough to talk about sex?”. This is one of the most common questions we are asked. I recommend the following source as a great place to start. It is called Good Pictures, Bad Pictures.
What is it?
It is a book written in such a way that you read it together with your kids. It tells the story of a young boy having a conversation with his mom about pornography. It is a simple, straightforward guide that helps you discuss a mature topic without introducing mature thoughts to an immature mind.
What is its goal?
The book will help you discuss various topics with your kids, such as:
What is pornography?
What is an addiction?
How does my brain work?
How can I make my ‘thinking’ brain rule my ‘feeling’ brain?
How is pornography poison?
What will my child know after this book that he or she didn’t know before?
Most importantly, your child will have a plan for what to do when they see porn. In a world where 75% of 8-12 year olds are encountering pornography, teaching them to not WANT to see porn is only half the battle. Over 50% of first exposure is accidental, and this book will help you discuss with your child a 5-point CAN DO plan for when they see it.
Is it weird? Will we all feel uncomfortable?
The watercolour illustrations of a boy simply spending time with his parents provide a gentle mood that perfectly complements the laid-back tone of the book.
The book is specifically aimed at 7-9 year olds, but is suitable for kids older and younger. It can be used with both boys and girls.
Awesome! Is there anything this book isn’t?!
Yes! This book is not your child’s parent. No matter how great of a tool it is, nothing will replace you–their parent–being open and honest with them. This book will help you talk about pornography with your child, but the most important aspect is that it is you talking with them. Its effectiveness hinges on you actively making this an open topic of conversation between you and your child. Letting your child know that they can ask you any other questions, anytime, is the most important thing you can do as a parent to porn-proof your children.
Where can I get it?
Amazon! Click right here. At time of posting the Paperback Edition was $24.99.