7 Great Gifts To Fight Porn

Josh GilmanChildren, Community, Culture, Freedom

By Strength to Fight Staff: This Christmas, like so many Christmas’ past, many many many gifts will be exchanged. Some will be lovely and thoughtful, others will be gaudy and poorly thought out. Some sadly will be problematic: iPads given to kids unprepared for the internet; smartphones given to teens with no thought to how it might affect them. There … Read More

How Watching Old Movies Can Heal Your Mind

STF AdminCulture, Information Overload

Gregory Peck & Audrey Hepburn in Roman Holiday (1953). Several years ago my family was having a movie day. Now, for most families, this might be a rather straightforward experience, but I come from a very large family filled with professional public speakers. So a “discussion” about which movie to watch is more like a political debate mixed with multi-media … Read More

“Dear Dads, don’t watch porn.” A letter from a daughter

Josh GilmanChildren, Freedom, Men

The following post was sent to Strength To Fight from a young mom who wanted to share how porn hurts. The hugs, the laughter, the jokes, the fights, the tears, and snuggles…these actions and emotions are a daily occurrence between my daughter and my husband. They love each other so much! Tonight they are snuggling on the couch and he is … Read More

Handing 6 year olds porn in school

STF AdminAwareness, Children, Home Safety

Yesterday a story ran in local news outlets about a 6 year old, telling his parents he had been exposed to porn while using a school issued tablet during class. While stories based on the testimony of 6 year olds are very difficult to verify, that doesn’t hide one fact. This 6 year old boy HAS been exposed to porn. … Read More

Why do I need a filter?

STF AdminChildren, Home Safety, strengthtofight

One of the most common questions we get is always. “What can I do to fight pornography?”. And our response is always. Get a filter. YOU need a filter. As explained in the video above, EVERYONE needs a filter. Because everyone is a prime target for porn creators. You and your family are a valuable market they want to exploit. Think … Read More