“Dear Dads, don’t watch porn.” A letter from a daughter

Josh GilmanChildren, Freedom, Men

The following post was sent to Strength To Fight from a young mom who wanted to share how porn hurts. The hugs, the laughter, the jokes, the fights, the tears, and snuggles…these actions and emotions are a daily occurrence between my daughter and my husband. They love each other so much! Tonight they are snuggling on the couch and he is … Read More

Resource Review: “How to Talk to Your Kids About Pornography”

David HilderChildren, Healthy Sexuality, Home Safety

Do you feel confident to discuss hard topics with your kids? It’s important for parents to have access to educational resources which kick-start those kind of conversations. This new book is a parental resource which deals with the topic of pornography in a helpful way. In today’s world the topic of pornography is no longer an optional conversation for families. … Read More

Help! My Kids Are Looking at Porn!

Josh BuckAwareness, Children, Home Safety, Resources

This article was originally posted by Tim Challies on his blog, Challies.com, on April 14, 2014. I hear it so, so often: “Help! My kids are looking at porn!” A few days ago one mom wrote to say that she and her husband had allowed their young teenaged boys access to the Internet to play an online video game, thinking … Read More