Our Government Is Talking About Porn and You Should Too

Josh GilmanAwareness, Culture

Good news! Our Canadian Standing Committee On Health is beginning the 1st of three days of hearings on the harm of pornography. Ok, technically they are discussing the “affect” of pornography but we know what they’ll find if they look at it honestly.

The hearing starts at 11:00am (or started at 11am if you are reading this later). And you can watch it here. Most likely the next days of hearings will be in the first week of April. We’ll keep you posted. In the meantime here is what you need to do.


Jonathon Van Maren with Dr. Mary-Anne Layden who will be testifying before the Canadian Standing Committee On Health today

We don’t simply want our Government to hear a report about this. We want the majority of Canadians to realize what is going on. So follow this hearing. Tweet about it. Post it on Facebook. Talk about it with friends. Post quotes from the presenters. One of our favourite anti-porn activists Dr. Mary-Anne Layden will be testifying today. Talk about the evidence she brings forward.

The truth of porn is ugly and isn’t fun to talk about. But for Canada and the world to realize what is going on we must drag it into the light for everyone to see it for what it is.

Canadians, friends, all you who love people and hate porn, we need your help on this one.

Let’s fight together.