In April of 2016, several members of our Team were able to attend the Set Free Summit in North Carolina. Four Days of hearing from 30 of the top experts on pornography, the damage it is doing, and how to fight it.
The video below is a 30 minute summary of some of the highlights. It is well worth viewing.
Strength To Fight was able to connect and begin to build partnerships with many organizations including Covenant Eyes, Fight The New Drug, The National Center On Sexual Exploitation, and Protect Young Minds. Our speakers came back from those 4 days more equipped, encouraged and empowered to continue the fight here in Canada.
What Can You Do To Help?
Speak up in your community. Share this video.
Invite Strength To Fight to speak at your conference, church, community group
Donate To help us continue to produce resources to equip Canadians to Fight Pornography in their lives, homes, and communities.