1605 Garth St
Hamilton, ON L9B 1X8
Is porn really a big deal, and what is the real affect on our lives? More importantly, how can we live holy and pure lives in a world filled with the messages of porn?
About the Presenter
Peter Mahaffey – Strength To Fight
Peter grew up passionate about the truth. As a teenager he considered passionately ignoring it, but as he grew up he couldn’t deny what he knew. Working as a Pastoral Intern in several inner-city churches he saw first-hand how young people in our nation were growing up without either truth or meaning.
Now married, to an equally passionate wife, his desire is to speak into people’s lives and lead them in the truth he knows. Sharing from his own experiences as a young man trying to determine what was right, he has become an effective speaker in revealing the black and white issues in a greying culture.