13 Reasons Why Today Is Your Lucky Day To Quit Porn

STF AdminFreedom, Resources

  1. You’re reading this article. That means you are open to the idea of quitting. Some days you aren’t. Today you are. 
  2. Addictions only grow. Today is the easiest day to quit. 
  3. Every addict is afraid of how their addiction will affect a future job, relationship, or opportunity. If you’re worrying about something in the future, it means it hasn’t happened yet. Quit now! 
  4. There has never in the history of the world been more resources to help you quit. Clear Vision, and the Fortify Program are just two examples of the resources you have at your fingertips. 
  5. Science is on your side. You don’t have to wonder if you are crazy for thinking that porn is damaging your life. SCIENCE is telling you it is. It’s always easier to fight when you know the truth is on your side.
  6. It’s never been easier to find community to help you quit. From creating your own accountability through Covenant Eyes, to joining online groups like NoFap or even connecting with people through our Facebook page you have friends and allies. 
  7. This urgent letter just arrived from you in the future. It says. “Dear me, please quit porn today. We’ll thank me for it later. Trust me.” (Hey it’s not our fault you are still bad at grammar in the future.) 
  8. You’ll be helping to end sex-trafficking. Porn is intrinsically connected to sex-trafficking, which means that every time you refuse to click, you are STOPPING that cycle of perpetuation. 
  9. You WANT to quit porn. Seriously, you’re still reading this list! Quitting porn today means giving in to what you actually want. You might be “desiring” porn, but what you want is to quit. Quit now! 
  10. You have the ability to filter your internet right…..NOW. Click here to download Covenant Eyes and start cutting porn out of your life. 
  11. There are literally hundreds of thousands of people cheering you on today. Women & Men, Boys & Girls who all believe that you can be free, just like they now are. 
  12. There is no pressure. You don’t have to worry about completing the journey today. You just have to take the first step. You can do that. There is nothing stopping you from taking the first step. 
  13. Your first step is available right here. We wrote a short, simple booklet that will take you 30 minutes to read with practical, helpful steps to help you take that first step. It’s right here. It’s a free download. And you can click right now. Today is YOUR day to quit!