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Purity in a Pornified World – Youth Workshop @ West Highland Baptist Church
Oct 26 @ 6:30 pm


Is porn really a big deal, and what is the real affect on our lives? More importantly, how can we live holy and pure lives in a world filled with the messages of porn?

About the Presenter

Peter Mahaffey – Strength To Fight

Peter grew up passionate about the truth. As a teenager he considered passionately ignoring it, but as he grew up he couldn’t deny what he knew. Working as a Pastoral Intern in several inner-city churches he saw first-hand how young people in our nation were growing up without either truth or meaning.

Now married, to an equally passionate wife, his desire is to speak into people’s lives and lead them in the truth he knows. Sharing from his own experiences as a young man trying to determine what was right, he has become an effective speaker in revealing the black and white issues in a greying culture.

Beyond The Talk: Raising and Protecting Children in a Pornified World @ St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church
Oct 28 @ 10:00 am – 2:00 pm


Computers, Smartphones, Gaming Systems. We’re living in a world of unending exposure to a wild west of information and mis-information. How do we raise our kids, to navigate this ever increasing digital world? How do we live purely in a pornified society?

In this seminar we’ll carefully look at the practical and spiritual practices we as parents can implement in order to protect our kids from pornography, sexual abuse and an ever more dangerous digital world.

We’ll also look at what we can do when abuse or exposure has already taken place and why we can still have hope and follow a path to healing.

Topics Include:

  • Pure Families In A Pornified World: Josh Gilman, Strength To Fight
  • Safe & Aware: Daniel Gilman, Strength To Fight
  • It’s Not Too Late: Michael Browning, CCPA – Whitestone Clinic

Lunch provided by Burger Builder.


Click here to register.

About the Presenters

Michael Browning

M.Div, M.A, CSAT

Michael Browning is the Clinical Director and Founder of The Whitestone Clinic in Ottawa. Michael has graduate degrees in Pastoral Theology and in Counselling and Spirituality. He has specialized training in individual, couple and group therapy, and is one of only two therapists in Ottawa certified to treat sex addictions.

After experiencing, both personally and professionally, the struggles of addiction and its effects on loved ones, Michael was inspired to provide a specialized care for people who are struggling with their own, or a loved one’s, sexual addiction. He provided pastoral counselling and addictions counselling in Ottawa for nine years.

In June 2011, Michael began his own private counselling and psychotherapy practice, and in November 2013, he invited other therapists to join his new enterprise, The Whitestone Clinic, a general counselling and psychotherapy practice, with a specialty in sex addiction. The first to offer directed treatment for sex addiction in the National Capital Region, the clinic encompasses the combined skills sets of several therapists who provide a broad range of therapies, but a common focus on addictions.


Josh Gilman – Executive Director: Strength To Fight

Josh Gilman is the Executive Director of Strength To Fight. His background is a blend of Ministry and Communications. He worked for 5 years in the Radio Industry, including spending several years as a News Anchor & Reporter. It was the brokenness he had to report on every day that lead him to leaving the media industry to go into ministry. After several years serving on staff at his local church, he spent 1 year in politics before the Lord led him to dive back into the brokenness two years ago by co-founding Strength To Fight, Canada’s only full-time anti-porn organization.

Josh lives in Ottawa with his amazing wife and their 3 children. A 3-year-old daughter, a 1-year-old son, and a new baby girl born this past February. He is determined to create a different internet for his kids than the one he grew up with.


Daniel Gilman – Strength To Fight

Daniel always stood up for justice. Even as a very young boy when some other kids formed a group of bullies, Daniel tried to rally his friends to counter-bully the bullies. As he grew older and wiser he applied himself to the study of justice, becoming an expert on the abolition of the British Slave Trade, on which he wrote his Masters Thesis. He has quickly become a much sought-after speaker across Canada on a variety of justice issues, always bringing with him a genuine love and understanding of the dignity of all people.

After several years serving on the pastoral staff at his local church, Daniel has returned to Parliament Hill where he is the new coordinator of the Wilberforce Project. His objective is to train up new leaders to use their gifts and talents to make Canada a more free and just society.

Missions Fest – Booth @ Vancouver Convention Centre East
Jan 26 @ 12:00 pm – Jan 28 @ 4:00 pm
Come visit us!

We’ll be at Booth #P02-03. We look forward to ministering to lots of people!


Missions Fest – Seminar @ Vancouver Convention Centre East
Jan 27 @ 12:30 pm
Come to the seminar we’ll be leading!

Location: Level 2, Room 09

Speaker: Joshua Gilman

Description: A generation taught that humans have no value, see little need for a savior. In this Seminar we’ll look at the dehumanizing and devaluing messages today’s generation is receiving, and share the effective and transformative truths that are opening the door for the Gospel across Canada.


Strong & Free 2018 @ The MET
May 25 – May 26 all-day

Join us in Canada’s Capital as experts from across the country and the world come together to discuss the issues of pornography, how to fight back, and best of all, how we can change our culture to be one of freedom from the effects of pornography.