See where we’re going to be speaking next, or fill out our speaker request form!

Check out our different types of presentations here!

Armour Up – 2016 @ Capital City Church
Apr 9 @ 8:30 am – 2:30 pm

Daniel Gilman will be joining the “Armour Up 2016” Men’s conference.

Who Am I, What Are You, & What are we supposed to do about it? @ Calvary Baptist
Apr 10 @ 10:30 am – 11:45 am
Josh Gilman will be at Calvary Baptist Ottawa presenting ” Who Am I, What Are You, & What are we supposed to do about it?”
Do people really have value? Are we actually a species worth protecting? If we are, what does that mean for how we treat others? In this talk we build up the case for the inherent value of every human being and then look at the problem of pornography in light of these truths.
Pure Families In A Pornified World @ RVHEA - Conferance Kanata Baptist
Apr 16 @ 10:30 am – 11:30 am

Josh Gilman will be presenting this workshop at the Rideau Valley Home Educator’s Association Conference.

“Computers, Smartphones, Gaming Systems. We’re living in a world of unending exposure to a wild west of information and mis-information. How do we raise our kids, to navigate this ever increasing digital world? How do we live purely, in a pornified society? In this seminar we’ll discuss both the ideas we need to ingrain in our families, and the practical steps we can take.”

Ontario Christian Home Educators Convention @ Redeemer University College
Apr 29 – Apr 30 all-day

Daniel Gilman will be giving several presentations at the Ontario Christian Home Educators Convention including

Safe & Aware

In a country where one in three girls are sexually abused and one in six boys are by the age of 18, how do protect our families from those who would use our strengths against us.

Where predators seek to abuse our values of family (trust), authority (control), & acceptance (2nd chances), we’ll outline how to protect these values while helping you teach your children to know where they should and shouldn’t be applied.

Purity In A Pornified World

In this presentation we’re going to look at the state of our world, how porn has influenced so much of the way we live and think, and then ask the question, is it possible to live purely in this world? We’ll talk about specific lies the world has told us, and the truths that combat them. We’ll give very practical solutions to help fight this battle. 

More Than a Marvel Movie: Every day heroes in a world with real villains @ National Student Forum - Parliament Buildings
May 17 @ 6:20 pm – 7:00 pm

Josh Gilman will be presenting “More Than a Marvel Movie: Every day heroes in a world with real villains ” at the National Student Forum. The NSF is a 3 day symposium in conjunction with the National Prayer Breakfast.

Full details and registration for the National Student Forum can be found at

Pure Families In A Pornified World – Calgary @ Calgary East Church Of The Nazarene
Jun 14 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm

Computers, Smartphones, Gaming Systems. We’re living in a world of unending exposure to a wild west of information and mis-information.

How do we raise our kids, to navigate this ever increasing digital world? How do we live purely, in a pornified society?

In this seminar we’ll discuss both the ideas we need to ingrain in our families, and the practical steps we can take to protect them.

Pure Families In A Pornified World – Lethbridge @ College Drive Community Church
Jun 15 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm

Computers, Smartphones, Gaming Systems. We’re living in a world of unending exposure to a wild west of information and mis-information.

How do we raise our kids, to navigate this ever increasing digital world? How do we live purely, in a pornified society?

In this seminar we’ll discuss both the ideas we need to ingrain in our families, and the practical steps we can take to protect them.

Purity In A Pornified World @ St. Joseph's Catholic Church
Jun 17 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm

Computers, smartphones, commercials, TV series, digital gaming… We’re living in a world of unending exposure to content that is hypersexualized, degrading, and explicitly pornographic.

Without even realizing it, this type of media is drastically affecting how we view ourselves and how we treat each other. How do we stay pure in a pornified world?

Daniel Gilman from Strength to Fight is a national, life-changing speaker who will explain the affects that pornography is having on society and our lives, and how we can have the strength fight back.

Ages 16-30 only.
Both women and men encouraged to attend.
St. Joseph’s Parish Hall

“Over 18” documentary screening in Ottawa @ St. Paul's Presbyterian
Oct 12 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Join us for a special screening of Canadian Documentary, ‘Over 18’, a film about pornography higlighting increase child and youth addiction to sexually violent material online and what Canada is trying to do to prevent it. Q&A with directors to follow.

9 out of 10 boys view pornography, with the average age of exposure being just 12 years old. 60% of girls have seen porn by age 18, and 57% of girls and 85% of boys have seen group sex online.

Check out the documentary and start the conversation about an issue that many people would rather ignore.

*Appropriate age is 16 and up.

To find out more about the documentary and the work of Hope for the Sold you can visit

Shake The Ladder – Ottawa, ON @ The Bible House (Lower Level)
Oct 16 @ 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Author, Speaker & Blogger Jessica Harris will be in Ottawa for one day as she speaks on “Shaking the Ladder” a look at how we have framed Women’s Ministry around a ladder from the “Proverbs 5 women” to the “Proverbs 31 wife”.

Jessica will be addressing not just some of the ways that the Church can reframe these discussions, but sharing God’s story of grace in her own life.

“…one of the most dynamic and engaging female Christian speakers today. Jessica Harris has a passion and calling for talking about some of the hard issues women of faith face such as purity, living single and women addicted to porn.

Jessica’s passion and experience are evident when she speaks to audiences of all ages and genders. Pulling from her own personal struggle with these same issues she is both captivating and inspiring. Whether you’re planning a youth event, ladies retreat, recovery meeting, or a leadership conference, her message of hope and the redeeming power of God’s love is one we all need to hear!

Jessica openly shares her journey from addiction to redemption and how God can make something beautiful out of extreme darkness. In a culture where sexting, pornography, and immorality are trending, she has a relevant message of freedom and grace and a powerful message of encouragement.

-Josh McDowell, International Speaker and Author